If you come across an oiled live bird, please call our wildlife helpline at (902) 407-9453.

DO NOT attempt to capture the bird without first seeking advice, as oiled birds washed ashore are extremely weak, dehydrated, and often near death. The stress of a poorly-planned capture attempt could prove fatal.

If you've already captured the bird, keep it in a dark, quiet, warm location and please bring it to your nearest Hope for Wildlife drop-off location. DO NOT attempt to feed or clean the bird, as oiled birds washed ashore are extremely weak, dehydrated, and often near death. They must be stabilized and rehydrated before any washing occurs, and washing an oiled bird requires a specific process and specialized training. Feeding or washing an unstable bird could prove fatal if not done properly.

Also, where and when you found the oiled bird should be reported to federal authorities as soon as possible by calling 1 (800) 565-1633.


Where and when you found the deceased oiled bird (as well as if there are other deceased birds in the area) should be reported to federal authorities by calling 1 (800) 565-1633.